What is EPDM

EPDM which stands for ethylene propylene diene monomer is made out of durable synthetic rubber. EPDM is commonly used on commercial buildings with flat roofs as well as patio roofs, or the roofs of carports.

What are the benefits to EPDM roofing?

  • Inexpensive: Compared to other roofing membranes like PVC, EPDM is even cheaper to install and repair.
  • Long Lifespan: EPDM roofing can last more than 30 years making it even more cost-effective.
  • Lightweight
  • High resistance to extreme temperatures
  • Can be installed in either black or white to fit the desired weather conditions of the area.
  • Black EPDM is used in colder areas where insulation is important and the black EPDM helps to absorb the sunlight.
  • White EPDM is used in warmer areas where the buildings want to be kept at a cooler temperature. The white EPDM helps to reflect the sunlight off the building allowing it to remain at a cooler temperature.
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